Why do personal trainers quit?

I stopped being a personal trainer for three simple reasons: money, disappointment and professional progress. These are the same reasons that thousands of personal trainers have also left the industry. They can't make enough money, they lose faith in what they're doing, and they no longer see it as a long-term career. Misinterpreting Marketing Techniques to Customers with Unrealistic Expectations.

Because their expectations were not met, a sizeable percentage of customers end their relationships with their personal trainers. Future clients can get a better understanding of how things work by watching a movie, talking to a friend, or relying on experience they've already had in other contexts. However, unless you communicate to them about their expectations, you won't be able to find out what those expectations are. Start the training with a discussion on what each individual should expect from the other so that you can minimize the impact of this problem as much as you can. Both should be attuned to things like the client's fitness goal, the commitment both will make to achieve it, punctuality, and how and when to communicate. Being charged £1000 to go to work sucks a lot, and I know they would say that when you offset the cost of a personal training session in £50 with £1000 rent, you only need to do 5 sessions a week to cover this, but still, it can be quite demoralizing to know that £12,000 a year of your income is being lost by rent the gym you are using. This doesn't mean that they can contact you at any time of the day and expect an immediate response from you, but you should have an email or messaging application for your personal training business where they can contact you if necessary.

Certifications may be obtained with little effort, and the high turnover rate that is typical of gym chains makes it very easy to get work in the industry. However, now more than ever, personal trainers have to compete with the online competition that can be found on platforms such as YouTube and others like it. I believe that it has only happened once to one of my friends—not to me, but to one of my friends—during the nearly ten years that I have worked as a personal trainer. I should clarify that it has never happened to me. If the primary concern you have is a rise in revenue, then you have a number of solutions at your disposal to address this concern. You have the ability to increase your rates, participate in an increased number of sessions, provide online personal training sessions in addition to your one-on-one sessions, and a great deal of other options are also open to you. It is upsetting for a coach to discover that their clients are more focused on a single event rather than the changes in lifestyle that the coach intends to inspire in them since nobody wants to be the person who puts an end to someone else's goals.

If you've been to a gym that employs personal trainers, I can guarantee you've seen one of them sitting in a chair scrolling through their phone. You may hear about coaches in your gym or others who say how easy it is to get a full training program and make money each month, but remember that these coaches have been working in the same area for several years and have a strong presence, or (less exciting), they could be inflating their numbers to make it sound more impressive. Retirement plans and investments are often relegated to the minds of many personal trainers, at their own expense. Personal trainers hate doing this for the first few weeks, but it really becomes a smaller and smaller problem after a while.

When you're done reading, you'll know almost everything you need to know about quitting personal training. Never take it personally, it's not, because these people don't know you, there are a lot of reasons why they might not want a coach. A personal trainer who spends all his time talking on the phone or talking to others in the gym instead of motivating, giving signals and encouraging his client, does not behave professionally. Not understanding how to create a USP (single point of sale), a new coach gets lost in the crowd and is dangerously interchangeable with all the other recent graduates.

There are also a couple of really good books that helped me learn how to sell personal training, I'll put the Amazon link in one of my favorites below, it wasn't expensive or complicated, but it replaced the missing part of the puzzle from the training courses.

Kyle Byron
Kyle Byron

Incurable coffee guru. Zombie lover. Award-winning tv guru. Wannabe twitter maven. Extreme social media scholar.