Is it stressful being a personal trainer?

However, the stress that comes from needing to sell personal training every month pales in comparison to the stress your customers put on you every day. You think you're only going to help people work out, but you'll soon discover that your job is MUCH more than that. Being a personal trainer can definitely be stressful sometimes. To get less stressed when working as a physical therapist, having a structured day can make a big difference.

Many people who are deeply convinced of the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle choose to become fitness coaches instead of pursuing a career in another field because they believe that this is the best path for them to take. This is because they are deeply convinced of the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle. It's possible that a job as a fitness instructor could bring you a lot of personal satisfaction, particularly if you enjoy being around other people and realize that you get a kick out of being of assistance to the people you work with. If you collaborate with someone who has fitness goals that span a greater amount of time, there is a better chance that you will be able to help another person achieve their own fitness objectives. Because of this, not only will your clients feel as though they have accomplished something, but so will you, on account of the fact that you assisted them in attaining the mental and physical condition that they desired. This will give you a sense of satisfaction that will be shared with your clients. Both of you will have the sense that you have accomplished something valuable as a result of this.

Fight and Flight Reactions Fight and flight reactions are the easiest to detect. The fighting reaction tends to be associated with thoughts of guilt, criticism, or anger towards oneself or others. Alternatively, when you experience the inclination to walk away, suppress feelings, or escape your favorite vice, you are likely to experience a fugue reaction. The Correction Reaction Being diligent and assertive can lead to success when you use these actions unconsciously, but they can also lead you to work hard without getting anywhere.

An example of the correction reaction is to obsessively make lists that are never completed. You're familiar with the reaction of the solution if you've ever woken up with a hangover and immediately signed up for a marathon, or if you've overeaten and feel compelled to exercise twice the next day to compensate. The False Reaction We all like a positive and optimistic person, and there is a lot of research to support the benefits of an attitude of gratitude. But no one is happy all the time, so when being optimistic becomes commonplace, you might be faking.

You know you're in a false reaction when you find yourself saying, “It's what it is, but you still feel horrible inside. Other examples are saying yes to more work when you're already at capacity, pretending to like someone when you don't, and acting interested in something when you're not. The Pressure to Act The aspiration to educate and inspire is noble and dignified. However, the constant, self-imposed pressure to be the most motivating person in the room can be exhausting.

The fear that your customers don't like or value you for who you really are is enough to trigger a false reaction. Dose a little more caffeine and put a smile on your face can work for a while. However, over time, acting inauthentic can lead to resentment and exhaustion. Vulnerability is needed to be authentic, but failing to act gives your client permission to do the same.

From a mindfulness perspective, you can truly connect with others only when you are completely yourself. It can be difficult to find work schedules that work well with your personal schedule, but if you start working early in the morning or on weekends, you may start to feel more comfortable with the hours. We've compiled some tips to help you strike a good balance between working and finding time for your personal commitments, too. This is what it's like to be a personal trainer and it can definitely add a level of stress if you're not already financially independent.

However, there is a solution to the shaky income and benefits you might experience when you start your career in personal training. Take a look at the previous results (we recommend that you track them with dedicated personal training software) to remember where your clients are coming from and where your training and guidance has taken them. As I mentioned in the introduction, working as a personal trainer is a job where you juggle a lot of balls. Whether you work for yourself or for an employer, income can be inconsistent as a personal trainer because your earnings depend on the number of clients you work with each week.

Ultimately, being a personal trainer is a profession that requires passion and enthusiasm for fitness, but that's not the only reason you can choose this path. It's equally important to examine aspects of personal training that may not seem so glamorous or that might be difficult when you first start. Ultimately, this means you'll be able to foster meaningful relationships and excel in your roles and responsibilities as a personal trainer. While personal training requires time and effort, it is greatly outweighed by how positively it affects your customers, as well as the money you will earn from doing so.

Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of being a personal trainer is the wide variety of places where you can find work. When it comes to the pros and cons of being a personal trainer, many mistakenly assume that the only place you can work as a physical therapist is in the gym. As a personal trainer, you should do everything you can to guide your clients towards your goals, however, keep in mind that a coach can only do a lot, while clients do most of the work themselves. .


Kyle Byron
Kyle Byron

Incurable coffee guru. Zombie lover. Award-winning tv guru. Wannabe twitter maven. Extreme social media scholar.